"Mr. Poseidon Taylor” aka SY
"Be the person your dog thinks you are.” – C.J. Frick
Sy is our family dog. He barks at every toddler and senior citizen in our neighborhood. He will nudge your arm if you don’t pet him every few hours and will step up on the computer screen if you keep ignoring him. He sighs and groans all day long, it never grows old and puts a smile on my face. He loves pig ears and swimming. He will stare at your every little bite of food , drooling, knowing this Jedi warfare works every time. He loves to travel shotgun and is offended if you make him kennel. He knows how to open the back door, too bad we never taught him how to shut it. Sy helps paint in the studio with his tail. He starts out his evening at the foot of my son’s Cash’s bed, Cash passed away 6 months ago. Sy never stops waiting for him.
Sy inspires me to stay curious – he is enthusiastic, every walk checking out everything. Sy inspires me to let things go, he lives in the present moment. I enjoy taking a minute to notice him napping in the sun or when he swims in his kiddie pool. Sy shows that you should just ask for what you need and keep asking until it gets fulfilled. Sy loves seeing our family with such joy and enthusiasm, that is how I want my friends and family to feel when I see them.
Thank you, Sy.